Your business doesn’t stop because you have vacancies within your departments. These vacancies can often create chaos within the departments. Workers become overworked. Morale plummets. Do you find yourself spending valuable resources on job fairs and newspaper or internet advertising only to yield little or no results? Are you overwhelmed by candidates applying for positions that they are not qualified for?
At Vertex Staffing we are proactive in our approach. We believe that the best candidates are actively working and typically not responding to classified ads or attending job fairs. When you work with Vertex Staffing, you will be assigned an account manager who will talk with you to fully understand your hiring needs. We will conduct a targeted search for you to find qualified candidates with the appropriate level of experience for your positions. We will exhaust the local candidate pool first so that you can be assured that you are getting the best value for your dollar. Our candidates are pre qualified so that by the time you see a resume, the candidate is already excited about talking with you. Whether you are looking to fill permanent placements or need a temporary employee to cover a short term need, we have the resources to find the right applicant for the job. We represent experienced healthcare candidates with the clinical and/or technical expertise you are looking for.
We are a contingency based agency so we are results driven. If we can’t fill your position, there is no cost for our service. We specialize in healthcare professionals for direct hire. Contact one of our account managers today to talk about how we can help staff your critical hires.
We represent Healthcare Executives, Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacy Professionals, Rehab Professionals. Allied Health Professionals, IT Professionals, Medical Coders, and others. As is yours, our market is constantly changing so call today to discuss your specific hiring needs. We have an extensive database of healthcare professionals and will proactively target candidates that meet your desired qualifications.